Indoor Air Quality: Where to Look for Mold

No one wants to think about mold inside their home. However, even spotless houses can hide this dangerous contaminant in any number of places. You might assume that mold only grows where waste, moisture, or standing water is allowed to accumulate, but there’s another important factor that contributes to mold in the home: your indoor air quality. Fortunately, learning more about the impact of air quality can help eliminate existing mold and prevent its growth in the future. Learn more about the connection between mold in the home and air quality with this quick review from Custom Aire.

What is Mold?

While mold can be unsightly, it does actually play a role in the environment. Mold is a fungus that breaks down dead organic matter. But while mold performs a useful function outdoors, it must be eliminated immediately if found inside. This can be tough because mold reproduces with invisible spores that travel through the air undetected. When these spores find a wet surface to land on, mold starts to grow. If left unchecked, mold commonly causes health problems for homeowners, such as allergic reactions including rashes, sneezing, and even asthma attacks. To protect your family, it is important to limit the amount of moisture in your home.

Managing Moisture

Mold grows rapidly, which makes it important to react to spills or leaks immediately. Common places where this can occur include air conditioning units, appliance vents, and pipes. Make sure that your drip pans for appliances are emptied regularly so they do not overflow. Controlling the level of humidity in your house will also play a large part in limiting the amount of moisture. If you notice that condensation collects on the walls or pipes, the humidity is too high. There are a few ways in which you can keep humidity low, including:

  • Using air conditioners or dehumidifiers: These devices draw moisture from the air, creating a less-inviting atmosphere for mold.
  • Running fans or opening windows: Bathrooms are often home to mold because of the humid environment created by hot showers. Run the fan or open a window while you shower to prevent moisture from building up.
  • Vent appliances outside: Make sure that any appliances that create moisture, like dryers or stoves, vent to the outside so the humid air does not stay inside.

Clean Your Ducts

The air ducts of your heating and cooling system can also become hosts for mold in the home. The metal surfaces are a great place for condensation to form, providing the moisture mold needs to thrive. If you notice that you or a family member experience allergies or other symptoms caused by the presence of mold, check your heating or cooling units. Often, it can be hard to see every component of the system, so calling your service provider for an inspection and duct cleaning will help affirm the growth of mold.

Keep Your Air Clean

Make sure you and your family stay healthy in your home by reducing the amount of moisture and maintaining a high level of indoor air quality. If you want to have your air quality checked, Custom Aire provides indoor air quality services that will help uncover any underlying issues that may be present. To get peace of mind that your home is free from mold, contact us today to schedule an appointment.